How to Complete the Blood Collection Form


Webinar #3

How to Complete the Newborn Screening Card

This 30-minute webinar was created to help submitters improve the completeness and accuracy of information provided on the newborn screening blood card.


NEW! Click to provide contact information on your NBS Site Liaison.


Click for a visual chart of the video’s instructions to print and use in your facility.

Click NBSWeightChart-WebSave for a chart converting weights and times.

Click UnsatSpecimenGuide for the Unsatisfactory Specimen Identification Guide.

Click FlowChart-300pxW-ICON for a chart showing the entire NBS Specimen Collection Workflow.

If you would like laminated copies of any of these charts, please contact us:


Please see our Continuing Education page for two additional webinars on the basics of specimen collection, and collecting blood from babies in the NICU.



Please contact the Newborn Screening Laboratory at 608-262-6547.