Basic Nomenclature for Cytogenetics
Symbols and Abbreviations
, Separates chromosome modal number, sex chromosomes, and chromosome abnormalities
– Loss of a chromosome
( ) Surround structurally altered chromosomes and breakpoints
+ Gain of a chromosome
; Separates rearranged chromosomes and breakpoints involving more than one chromosome
/ Separates cell lines or clones
// Separates recipient and donor cell lines in bone marrow transplants
del Deletion
der Derivative chromosome (used when only one chromosome from a translocation is present, or when one chromosome has two or more structural abnormalities)
dic Dicentric chromosome
dn Chromosomal abnormality not inherited from parents (de novo)
dup Duplication of a portion of a chromosome
fra Fragile site (usually used with Fragile-X syndrome)
h Heterochromatic region of chromosome
i Isochromosome (both arms of the chromosome are the same)
ins Insertion of a portion of a chromosome
inv Inversion
.ish Precedes karyotype results from fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis
mar Marker chromosome (unidentifiable piece of chromosome)
mat Maternally derived chromosome rearrangement
p Short arm of a chromosome
pat Paternally derived chromosome rearrangement
psu dic Only one centromere is active (pseudo dicentric)
q Long arm of a chromosome
r Ring chromosome
t Translocation
ter Terminal end of arm (i.e., 2qter–end of the long arm of chromosome 2)
tri Trisomy
trp Triplication of a portion of a chromosome
General Guidelines
Modal number, sex chrom, abn abbrev (first chrom; second chrom) (arm band number; arm band number)
46 chromosomes, female (XX sex chromosomes), with a balanced translocation between chromosomes 1 and 2 with breakpoints in the short arm of chromosome 1 at band 1p32 and the long arm of chromosome 2 at band 2q22.
Modal number: total count of number of chromosomes in each cell of a given cell line
Sex chromosomes: complement of X and Y chromosomes
Band number: numerical description of the location on a chromosome arm, in order from the centromere out to the end of the chromosome. These numbers are a standard determined by the International System for human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN), revised in 2013.
UW Cytogenetic Services University of Wisconsin – Madison