Research and Publications
Research Activities
- A Study of the Factors Affecting the Gross Alpha Measurement, and a Radiochemical Analysis of some Groundwater Samples from the State of Wisconsin Exhibiting an Elevated Gross Alpha Activity
- Factors Affecting the Determination of Radon in Groundwater
- First Quarterly Progress Report for the Department of Natural Resources Groundwater Project
- Methods approved to analyze uranium in groundwater and the effects of converting between the units of picocuries per liter and micrograms per liter for the various methods
Alpha Emitters in Drinking Water
DNR Quarterly Report 1 DNR Quarterly Report 2
DNR Quarterly Report 3
Arndt MF, West LE. An experimental analysis of the contribution of 210Po and of 210Po produced by 210Pb decay to the gross alpha-particle activity of water samples. Health Phys. 95(3):310-6, September 2008.
Arndt MF, West LE. An experimental analysis of the contribution of 228Ra progeny to the gross alpha-particle activity of water samples. Health Phys. 95(2):213-9, August 2008.
Arndt MF, West LE. An experimental analysis of the contribution of 224Ra and 226Ra and progeny to the gross alpha-particle activity of water samples. Health Phys. 94(5):459-70, May 2008.
Arndt MF, West LE. An experimental analysis of some of the factors affecting gross alpha-particle activity with an emphasis on 226Ra and its progeny. Health Phys. 92(2):148-56, February 2007.